National Writing Day 2020

Today is National Writing Day in the UK. It is a day dreamt up by First Story. The idea is that this is a day when everyone, adults and children, should write together, and have fun writing.

Every year there is a theme. This year it is “One Day…” That is a great start to a story, real or imagined. You could write about what you did one day, you could write about what you would like to do one day, you could imagine a character and tell the story of what happened to them one day.

First Story have added an extra challenge: that is, to write the story using only 24 words and to do that in 7 minutes. It is called the #247 challenge. You can take a picture of you and your story and post it on their website.

Have a go. 

Once you have written your story, then you could start to play with it. The more you experiment, the more unexpected a story can become.

Here is a story.

One day, my dog, Bertie went to the shop with a five pound note, bought three Magnums. One for me, two for him. Terrific! 

Take your own story and begin to play. Write the story out again replacing all the nouns with synonyms; nouns that mean pretty much the same:

One morning, my Labrador, Belinda, went to the superstore with a ten pence piece. Bought three Soleros. One for me. Two for her. Terrific!

Now try changing the nouns and the verbs. You can change the nouns to any noun. Try adding in a bit of alliteration as well:

That Tuesday, Terry’s turnip trotted into the TV with twenty turquoise tiddledywinks; tiddled ten triumphs. Only one for me. Terry’s turnip totally top. Terrific!

Read more about First Story and National Writing Day at

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